The stomach and abdominal wall usually heal in a few days.
As a rule, the presence of the gastrostomy tube is very well tolerated by patients. If the gastrostomy tube is accidentally removed by the patient it can be repositioned (easy, fast and painless)
For the first 6 to 24 hours the patient receives intravenous fluids, as for safety reasons we do not administer anything through the gastrostomy. Then, with the supervision of a clinical dietitian, the patient begins to be fed with special nutritional solutions.
If the patient’s ability to swallow recovers, the gastrostomy can be permanently removed with a very simple procedure that takes a few minutes.
If the patient is cared for at home, he/she can stay in the hospital for 24 hours so that the nursing staff can train the person who will take care of the gastrostomy. If the patient comes from other institutions with experience in gastrostomy care he/she can return immediately after the procedure.